Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Supernatural and the witches Essay Example for Free

The Supernatural and the witches Essay The story of Macbeth, like most of Shakespeares plays, tells a story that has a moral lesson attached to it. Macbeth was essentially a man who craved power but even when a prophecy was revealed that he would gain, Macbeth still wasnt truly satisfied. Instead, he went to great lengths to ensure that his power lasted longer than it should have. He submitted to the evil whims and plans of his wife, Lady Macbeth, and put himself in a position that destroyed his self respect, ruined his pride, degraded his honour, and spoiled his integrity. For my essay I have decided to base it on the witches and the super natural things, which take part in the book Macbeth One will always notice the many influences that Macbeth encounters before his downfall. Each one of these may have had some bit of impact on the final outcome. The three most popular causes of the tragedy of Macbeth are the main characters ambition, the witches prophecies, and Lady Macbeths influence over Macbeth. in this case, it is obvious that there was some other force behind him that helped him to change from a respectable, trustworthy man, to a deceiving murderer. In his encounters with the witches, Mabeth was introduced to that fact that he could have more power, and in hearing what he had to do to earn it, he was scared. However, with the witches making this power sound so grand, he was eventually convinced that his dignity was no longer essential. The witches, therefore, were what caused the legacy of Macbeth as a heroic individual to lead to his ultimate death and destruction. At the very beginning of the play it clearly shows that the three witches can foretell the future. They come into the play in the first scene during a horrendous storm and they have foreseen the visit that Macbeth is going to pay them. During Macbeths visit all three witches spoke in rhyme as if they were putting some sort of spell on him for example When the hurly-burlys done, when the battles lost and won They also give Macbeth a prediction, they did this because they knew it would encourage Macbeth to kill because they knew how ambitious he was and what lengths he would go to become king. At the end of the first scene it tells me that the witches have opposite values to us fair is foul and fouls is fair meaning good is bad and bad is good. The witches are very evil and vengeful. I know this because they send a sailor out to sea in a constant thunderstorm for several months. They do this because the sailors wife would not give them one of her many chestnuts. A sailors wife had chestnuts in her lap, and munched, and munched, and munched, and munched. Give me quoth I: Aroint thee, witch! the rump-fed ronyon cries. Her husbands to Aleppo gone, master O the tiger: But in a sieve Ill thither sail, and, like, a rat without a tail Ill do, Ill do, and Ill do. The quote explains why and how the witches gave such a terrible punishment. The witches are described as not looking like typical women. They are very ugly, old and they have beards. Obviously your typical woman would not have a beard. I know this due to the fact Banquo said to the witches live you? Or are you aught? This tells me that the witches are very old. Banquo said to the witches you should be women, and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so Clearly this shows that the witches have beards The witches prediction was correct; Macbeth did ultimately murder Duncan and his guards. He murdered the guards just incase they saw something and they were to people about it. Lady Macbeth helped Macbeth murder the guards by putting something in their drinks so they would sleep. Personally I think that Macbeth cannot be held totally responsible for the killing of Duncan and the guards. I think this because other characters did motivate him to murder them such as Lady Macbeth and the witches. So far in the play Macbeth has become Thane of Cawdar by winning the battle against the Norwegians and Macdonald. The witches give Macbeth three Prophecies, which are Thane of Glamis (which Macbeth already is) Thane of Cawdar and the last prophecy that the witches gave to Macbeth is King of Hereafter All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king here after The witches prophecies have already taken a big influence over Macbeths life. Glamis and thane of Cawder: The greatest is behind This meaning for Macbeth the next step is even better than the one before. Macbeth wants to become king but Banquo doesnt trust the witches he refers to them as the devil can the devil speak true Banquo believes that evil spirit would not tell them the truth. Banquo then said to win us to our harm meaning the witches are going to lead Macbeth and Banquo to their own destruction. Banquo was becoming suspicious of the death of Duncan. Macbeth Realises that Banquo heard the witches three prophecies he doesnt like Banqos suspicion so he arranges for him and his son Fleance to be killed. Macbeth wants his son murdered as well as Banquo because the witches have told him that they were the future King. Unfortunately for Macbeth there was a mistake in the killings of Banquo and his son. Although the killing of Banquo was very successful it was very brutal murder it consisted of 20 gashes to his head. His son escaped. That night Macbeth held a big celebrity banquet. This is the scene, which Banquos ghost appears. Macbeth being the only person, who can see him, turned and said to him Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me Obviously he does not react well to seeing a ghost at the feast. He denies having anything to do with the murder. When Banquos ghost reappears Macbeth begins to go mad and said to himself Avaunt! And quit my sight! Let earth hide thee Lady Macbeth makes excuses for Macbeth to cover up for his behaviour My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth: pray you, keep seat; the fit is momentary In the quote lady Macbeth is trying to say that her husband is ill and that the Banquet must come to an end due to this. Macbeth again visits the witches for one last final time. Whilst he was there he mentioned that he had gone so far into his murders that he might as well carry on I am in blood stepped so far, that, should I wade no more Also during his visit, the witches are joined by Hecate, who is the queen of witchcraft. This shows the importance Macbeth had in the forces of evil. Not long into Macbeth visit the witches start listing ingredients for some sort of potion, which contains guts, a toad toe, snake, eye of newt, a frog, bats fur, dogs tongue, a humans lips, nose and liver, a wolf tooth, and a finger of a prostitutes baby strangled at birth Fillet of a fenny snake, in the cauldron boil and bake; eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, adders fork, and blind-worms sting, lizards leg, and howlets wing, for a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble The witches put all these ingredients into a cauldron to make a potion, which is made for Macbeth to drink. Once Macbeth had drunk the potion he begun to have apparitions. He saw an image of a head with a helmet this symbolised Malcolm coming towards the castle. I think the bloody child represented Macduff being born by a caesarean, the child with a crown on its head holding a branch I think represented Macduff becoming King as he was the only person who could kill Macbeth due to the fact that he was born by caesarean and not by a natural birth and the branch represented Macduffs army approaching Macbeths castle camouflaged into the woods hence the witches prophecy Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnham Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him and Banquo holding a mirror represented Banquo beginning a dynasty of royals. Due to Macbeths previous visit to the witches he proceeds to burn Macduffs castle to kill all his family but he fails to kill Macduff because he had gone away to rally an army somewhere in England. The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon fife; give to th edge o th sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line. No boasting, like a fool; this deed Ill do, before this purpose cool. When Macduff found out about the tragic, and brutal murders of his family he and his army returned to Scotland to kill Macbeth. Each person was carrying a branch from a tree, to form an illusion that they were a moving forest. Just as the witches prophecy said. As I said earlier Macduff was the only person able to kill Macbeth because he was born not of a woman, a lot of the army members have trouble trying to kill Macbeth but eventually Macduff killed Macbeth. Even in his final uttered words before his death, Macbeth refers to two of the witchs apparitions, these being the second and third apparition concerning the Great Birnam wood knocking at his door and his inevitability to anyone born of a woman:

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

We Must Put an End to Child Brides in Turkey Essay -- Argumentative Es

Even though Turkey raised the minimum age of marriage to 17 years of age in 2007, the country currently has one of the highest rates of child marriage in Europe. Although the legal age is 17, under a legal provision for â€Å"exceptional circumstances† a family can apply for the consent of the courts to legally marry off a child who is younger than the established legal age. However, what is considered an â€Å"exceptional circumstance† is rather vague. Although Turkey already has laws in place to protect children, countless young underage girls are married off by their families each year. Child marriage is not just a family issue -- it is a human rights violation and it needs to be addressed as such with the legal circles in Turkey. In 2011, Turkey signed the Council of Europe convention aimed at combatting violence against women, which includes enacting laws that view child marriage as a crime. Even though Turkey is a signatory to the agreement, the rate of child marriages in the country continues to climb each year. Even though families may be aware of the laws regarding marriage, many prefer to avoid those legalities by marrying their children off in religious ceremonies, which are often not reported to the authorities. Therefore, it is difficult to find an accurate account of child brides in Turkey. According to reports, there are an estimated 180,000 child brides in the country. However, this statistic does not reflect the unknown number of religious marriages that are not legal or reported to the state. Some reports place the actual figure as high as one-third of all marriages in Turkey involving at least one partner who is below the legal age of consent. One has to wonder just how the number of illegal and underage marriages... ...egal marriages should be forced, with no exceptions, to accept the legal consequences of their actions. Communities must stop turning a blind eye to this form of child abuse and start speaking out. By depriving a girl of her childhood, her life and her dreams are seen as unimportant. All children deserve an education. They all deserve the opportunity to have financial stability in their lives. Every child should have the chance to experience a childhood and not be sold, traded or bought as a child bride. By law, a child cannot be forced into marriage when they are under the legal age of consent. However, too many have winked and looked the other way for too long as young girls were sent off to new homes as the â€Å"gelin† or young bride. This attitude must change if women are ever to take their rightful place in Turkish society. Anything less is an insult to all women.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Managing Health and Safety at Work Essay

Employers have a general duty under section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work. People in control of non-domestic premises have a duty (under section 4 of the Act) towards people who are not their employees but use their premises. The Regulations expand on these duties and are intended to protect the health and safety of everyone in the workplace, and ensure that adequate welfare facilities are provided for people at work. These Regulations aim to ensure that workplaces meet the health, safety and welfare needs of all members of a workforce, including people with disabilities. Several of the Regulations require things to be ‘suitable’. Regulation 2(3) makes it clear that things should be suitable for anyone. This includes people with disabilities. Where necessary, parts of the workplace, including in particular doors, passageways, stairs, showers, washbasins, lavatories and workstations, should be made accessible for disabled people. Under Section 8 of the Act the employer has a duty to ensure the employees’ safety, health and welfare at work as far as is reasonably practicable. In order to prevent workplace injuries and ill health the employer is required, among other things, to: * Provide and maintain a safe workplace which uses safe plant and equipment * Prevent risks from use of any article or substance and from exposure to physical agents, noise and vibration * Prevent any improper conduct or behaviour likely to put the safety, health and welfare of employees at risk * Provide instruction and training to employees on health and safety * Provide protective clothing and equipment to employees * Appointing a competent person as the organisation’s Safety Officer Employees’ duties The duties of employees while at work are set out in Section 13 of the Act. These include the following: * To take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves and of other people in the workplace * Not to engage in improper behaviour that will endanger themselves or others * Not to be under the influence of drink or drugs in the workplace * To undergo any reasonable medical or other assessment if requested to do so by the employer * To report any defects in the place of work or equipment which might be a danger to health and safety Risk assessment and safety statement Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 every employer is required to carry out a risk assessment for the workplace which should identify any hazards present in the workplace, assess the risks arising from such hazards and identify the steps to be taken to deal with any risks. The employer must also prepare a safety statement which is based on the risk assessment. The statement should also contain the details of people in the workforce who are responsible for safety issues. Employees should be given access to this statement and employers should review it on a regular basis. The Health and Safety Authority has published guidelines on risk assessments and safety statements (pdf). Protective equipment and measures The employer should tell employees about any risks that require the wearing of protective equipment. The employer should provide protective equipment (such as protective clothing, headgear, footwear, eyewear, gloves) together with training on how to use it, where necessary. An employee is under a duty to take reasonable care for his/her own safety and to use any protective equipment supplied. The protective equipment should be provided free of charge to employees if it is intended for use at the workplace only. Usually, employees should be provided with their own personal equipment. There is a range of measures that employers must take in regard to visual display units (VDUs). These include examining the reflection and glare, the operator’s position in front of the VDU, the keyboard and the software used. Operators must be given adequate breaks from the VDU. In addition, employers must arrange for eye tests and, if required, make a contribution towards the purchase of prescrip tion eyeglasses. The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has published a list of frequently asked questions about display screen equipment (VDUs). Reporting accidents All accidents in the workplace should be reported to the employer, who should record the details of the incident. Reporting the accident will help to safeguard social welfare and other rights which may arise as a result of an occupational accident. An employer is obliged to report any accident that results in an employee missing 3 consecutive days at work (not including the day of the accident) to the Health and Safety Authority. Health and safety leave An employer should carry out separate risk assessments in relation to pregnant employees. If there are particular risks to an employee’s pregnancy, these should be either removed or the employee moved away from them. Under Section 18 of the Maternity Protection Act 1994 if neither of these options is possible, the employee should be given health and safety leave from work, which may continue up the beginning of maternity leave. If a doctor certifies that night work would be unsuitable for a pregnant employee, the employee must be given alternative work or health and safety leave. Following an employee’s return to work after maternity leave, if there is any risk to the employee because she has recently given birth or is breastfeeding, it should be removed. If this is not possible, the employee should be moved to alternative work. If it is not possible for the employee to be assigned alternative work, she should be given health and safety leave. If night work is certified by a doctor as being unsuitable after the birth, alternative work should be provided. If alternative work cannot be provided, the employee should be given health and safety leave. Time spent on health and safety leave is treated as though the employee has been in employment, and this time can be used to accumulate annual leave entitlement. The employee is not entitled to leave for any public holidays that occur during health and safety leave. During health and safety leave, employers must pay employees their normal wages for the first 21 days (3 weeks), after which Health and Safety Benefit may be paid. Health and safety and young people An employer should carry out a separate risk assessment in relation to an employee under 18 years of age. This risk assessment should be carried out before the young person is employed. If certain risks are present, including risks that cannot be recognised or avoided by the young person due to factors like lack of experience, the young person should not be employed. Violence in the workplace The possibility of violence towards employees should be addressed in the safety statement. For example, factors like the isolation of employees and the presence of cash on the premises need to be taken into account. Proper safeguards should be put into place to eliminate the risk of violence as far as possible and the employee should be provided with appropriate means of minimising the remaining risk, for example, security glass. Bullying One of the employer’s duties is to prevent improper conduct or behaviour (which includes bullying). An employer should have established procedures for dealing with complaints of bullying in the workplace and deal with such complaints immediately. Ignoring complaints of bullying could leave an employer open to a possible claim for damages by an employee. It is advisable for an employer to have an established grievance procedure to deal with complaints of bullying. An employee who feels that he or she is the victim of bullying can also refer the matter to a Rights Commissioner – see ‘How to apply’ below. The Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work (pdf) sets out guidance notes for addressing bullying in the workplace. Harassment The Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011 place an obligation on all employers in Ireland to prevent harassment in the workplace. Under this law, you are entitled to bring a claim to the Equality Tribunal and your employer may be obliged to pay you compensation if you are harassed by reason of your gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, religious belief or membership of the Traveller community. Victimisation Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 the employee may not be victimised for exercising his or her rights under safety and health legislation such as making a complaint. This means that the employer may not penalise an employee by dismissal or in some other way, for example, by disciplinary action or by being treated less favourably than other employees – see ‘Enforcing your rights’ below. Health and Safety Authority The Health and Safety Authority – see ‘Where to apply’ below is responsible for enforcing health and safety at work in Ireland. It provides information to employers, employees and self-employed people on workplace health and safety. Its publications include a Short Guide to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (pdf) and a set of Simple Safety leaflets which are aimed at small retail or food businesses in particular. The Simple Safety leaflets are available in other languages.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Chesapeake Bay And The Bay - 1574 Words

About 18 thousand years ago, glacial sheets from the last ice age begin to melt (Chesapeake Bay Program n.d.). As the glaciers melted the large volume of water began to raise sea levels. The rising seas levels engulfed the coast and flooded the Susquehanna river (â€Å"Geological History† n.d.). Once the seas levels have risen, the temperatures continued to rise changing the landscape. So â€Å"oak, maple, hickory, and other hardwood species started to appear† (Chesapeake Bay Program n.d.). Once the temperature increases even more hardwood forests and wetlands are created. As even more of the glaciers melt it floods the Susquehanna river more and it even floods the Potomac, James, and York rivers pouring into the Atlantic Ocean creating the Bay’s†¦show more content†¦The Bay is fed by 48 major rivers and 100 small tributaries draining a 64,000 square mile basin (â€Å"Geological History† n.d.). The Bay has a width of four miles near Aberdeen, Mary land to thirty miles near Cape Charles, Virginia (Chesapeake Bay Program n.d.). The average depth of the bay is 21 feet with troughs as deep as 174 feet deep (Chesapeake Bay Program n.d.). The main rivers of the Chesapeake Bay is the Susquehanna, Potomac, James, Rappahannock, Chester, Nanticoke, Patuxent, and the Choptank rivers (Sprague et al 2000). The main rivers of the Chesapeake Bay watershed send about 51 billion gallons of freshwater into the Bay each day (Chesapeake Bay Program n.d.). These rivers are homes to many fish, amphibians, invertebrates, and other animals. Not only do aquatic animals live in these rivers, plenty of aquatic plants live there too (Chesapeake Bay Program n.d.). There are many factors that could affect the health of the Chesapeake Bay including litter, debris, sediment pollution, chemical contaminants, and any man made objects (Chesapeake Bay Program n.d.). Any litter and debris will work its way up to the Bay from the rivers and smother any grass beds along with bottom dwelling creators and add chemical contaminants to the water. Any excess nutrients that come from urban runoff or vehicle emissions will cause harmful algae to grow which blocks sunlight and does not allow plants to grow due to low oxygen dead zonesShow MoreRelatedThe Chesapeake Bay And The Bay1875 Words   |  8 Pages â€Æ' The Chesapeake Bay, which derives from the Algonquin word Chesepiooc meaning â€Å"great shellfish bay†, has been around for a very long time. Approximately 35 million years ago, a rare bolide (a comet- or asteroid-like object) hit what is now the lower tip of the Delmarva Peninsula, creating a 55-mile-wide crater. The bolide created what geologists call the â€Å"Exmore Crater,† which they believe was as large as Rhode Island and as deep as the Grand Canyon. Although this bolide did not create the ChesapeakeRead MoreThe Chesapeake Bay1439 Words   |  6 PagesScene in Fig. 1.1., the Chesapeake Bay is substantial in size; at roughly 64,000 miles, it contains roughly fifty rivers and thousands of streams and creeks. It encompasses parts of 6 states, including all of Washington, DC. The Chesapeake Bay is what is known as a watershed, an area that contributes to the drainage to a water body, stream, river, lake or ocean. Rainwater that falls within the 64,000 square mile s that is the Chesapeake Bay will subsequently travel through many streams and riversRead MoreThe Ecosystem Of The Chesapeake Bay1973 Words   |  8 Pages Fig. 1.1 Scene in Fig. 1.1., the Chesapeake Bay is substantial in size; at roughly 64,000 miles, it contains roughly fifty rivers and thousands of streams and creeks. It encompasses parts of 6 states, including all of Washington, DC. 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The Chesapeake Bay colonies, Virginia and Maryland, where especially condition to use indentured servants. During this essay I will explain why the Chesapeake Bay colonies were in such need of the servants and why eventually they turned to slavery to fill the void left by the indentured servants. In the Chesapeake Bay colonies the English colonist found that tobacco grew very well in the warm environment, butRead More Pollution in Chesapeake Bay Essay1849 Words   |  8 PagesChesapeake Bay Television commercials, print ads, and billboards in the Washington, DC, area are asking residents to connect two things many might find unrelated: lawn care and seafood. In one commercial, a man stuffs a big plateful of grass in his mouth after a voice-over says, â€Å"Spring rains carry excess lawn fertilizers through our sewers and rivers and into the Chesapeake Bay, where the blue crab harvest has been extremely low. So skip the fertilizer until fall, because once they’re gone, what’sRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The Chesapeake Bay2639 Words   |  11 Pagesthe Chesapeake Bay On March 3rd, 1813, the first British ships of war appeared on the Chesapeake Bay. For two years the Chesapeake would be the scene of numerous amounts of battles. Some would be lost in anonymity, but others would make history. But first, why did the British come? We were at war almost thirty years before, so how did it come upon these two superpower nations to collide once again? A few answers to these questions will put the war of 1812 and the Battle of the Chesapeake Bay in itsRead MoreChesapeake Bay Prevention Essay924 Words   |  4 PagesPrevention is necessary to control many problems in the Chesapeake Bay. Prevention can range from something as big as a government issue or as small as a single person helping out. The greatest chance at total protection for water quality is when many people and organizations work together to prevent problems. According to the Chesapeake Bay Program, â€Å"Federal, state and non-profit Bay Program partners are working with farmers, develop ers, homeowners and local governments to reduce pollutants fromRead MoreThe Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act1134 Words   |  5 PagesThe Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. It is located on the eastern seaboard, with the upper portion of the bay in Maryland and the lower portion in Virginia. The Chesapeake Bay is vital to the ecology and economy of both Virginia and Maryland. There are more than one-hundred-fifty rivers that flow into the bay. Within the Chesapeake Bay, there are around 2,700 species that live there. Needless to say, this is a very important ecosystem that needs to be protected. The ChesapeakeRead MoreThe Waste Disposal Of The Chesapeake Bay982 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to Robert Diaz and Rutger Rosenberg, â€Å"Dead zones have now been reported from more than 400 systems, affecting a total area of more than 245,000 square kilometers, and are probably a key stressor on marine ecosystems.† Specifically, the Chesapeake Bay has bee n polluted to the point where areas have now been uninhabitable to marine life. Although waste disposal is a difficult issue to solve, polluting bodies of water endangers the marine life, environment, and health of organisms. While the